KFN detailed that a deplorable video of Rico Swavey during his last hours had advanced toward the web.


Responding to it, Mabel expressed that the stupidity of certain people in Nigeria is horrifying.

She addressed how wellbeing orderlies could be more worried about recording him than saving his life.

“The silliness of certain people in Nigeria is shocking. How would you try and recall your telephone camera in a day to day existence and-passing circumstance? Bloggers are more awful off must you all repost everything???”.

Ruckus as wellbeing orderlies disregard Rivo Swavey

Kemi Filani news detailed that Nigerians communicated outrage regarding a shocking video of Big Brother Naija Season 3 reality star, Rico Swavey being dismissed by medical care chaperons.

In a video which coursed on the web, Rico Swavey, who was incapacitated, was seen sitting on a seat while getting oxygen as the medical caretakers examined how to move him into the Emergency unit.

In the video, one of them, who wasn’t satisfied with the activities of her collaborators recording him, while he was fighting for his life, had criticized them.

She noticed how he was in basic condition, at this point they were more worried about making recordings.

One of them could heard say, “Oya, make we convey am currently head inside”. Her assertion made another attendant laugh.

One more attendant who wasn’t satisfied with their way of behaving, said, “His oxygen is 90%. You individuals ought to quit making recordings and we should move him. Someone is in basic condition and no doubt about it”.

The video inspired outrage from netizens as they hauled the medical services orderlies for being lazy.

Many expressed that the truth star would have endure the deadly mishap assuming they had taken care of the circumstance with most extreme impressive skill.

Rico Swavey dies following a deadly mishap

Rico Swavey died following a deadly mishap on Tuesday, October 11.

— Rico Swavey 🇳🇬🇺🇸 (@iamricoswavey) October 13, 2022

His co-reality star, Alex Uncommon, had reported the fresh insight about his mishap.

She expressed that the specialists were attempting to revive Rico Swavey and called for supplications.

Alex, in any case, didn’t state where the mishap happened or how it worked out.

Tragically, the truth star couldn’t endure it, as he died.

His co-star, Tobi Bakre declared his end on Thursday morning, October thirteenth.

Numerous Big Brother Naija reality stars and VIPs from various media outlets grieved his inopportune passing.