Of course, this can be extremely frustrating, especially when you’re about to win an auction or sit down to play the game after a long day at work. In this quick and simple guide, we’ll try to fix that for you. We’ll look at all the places Madden 19 might crash, and we’ll look at how to keep the game from crashing in the first place. 

How Do I Keep Madden 19 From Crashing?  

Right now, it appears that Madden 19 might crash at any given moment. Taking a look at the game’s forums, crashing could occur in the middle of a game, at startup, in MUT mode, during a loading screen, and myriad other places. For most players, it strikes at random. 

As of right now, there are only two ways players have gotten around the game’s random crashing: 

Hard restart your PS4, XB1, or PC Uninstall and reinstall the game

You can also try to clear your local and cloud saved games. However, using that method has produced mixed results. It’s worth trying, but only after you back them up. 

Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to work for every player. As with Madden 18’s infuriating not installing glitch from last year, Madden 19’s crashing bug has no rhyme or reason.

Madden 19 PC CPU Bug

A check of EA’s forums quickly shows a plethora of issues revolving around CPUs and the game not recognizing certain processor models. It appears AMD Phenom processor are especially vulnerable to crashing issues on PC. As of this writing, players are reporting it is an issue with the sse4.1 instruction. 

Some players are saying that emulating/bypassing the sse4.1 instruction does get the game running on PC. YouTuber Naeem Malik has an instructional video on how to circumvent the instruction if you’re inclined to fiddle with system settings, etc, which you can see right here.  

Intel’s CPU line isn’t immune to the problem, but there seem to be fewer players experiencing issues when running those processors, specifically the i7 and higher versions. 

Until a patch is released by EA, crashing issues associated with CPUs will undoubtedly persist even if you have fairly modern hardware – unless you attempt the potential fix above, and even then you may not be in the clear. If you would like to speak with an EA Help Desk rep, you can do so by following this link. 

Unfortunately, there isn’t a true fix for Madden 19’s random crashes and freezes. Hopefully something in this guide helped you get the game running. We’ll be updating this guide with any new fixes – or potential remedies – we find.

If you know of a way to get around this bug, let us know in the comments and we’ll add it here – with credit! 

Be sure to check out our other Madden 19 guides while you’re here! 

Madden 19 Takes a Step Backwards Money Plays That Will Guarantee a Win How to Run Like a Pro How to Celebrate