Maddygilsoul1 is a TikToker and force to be reckoned with who shared her two recordings on TikTok expressing that her left vehicle was hit deliberately by Matthew Heller, who was driving a Lamborgini.

The TikTok account with 517 adherents shared on Sunday two recordings, one of which shows the other TikToker Matthew break signal in red light and almost hit an individual because of the coarse activity.

The man fixed himself at doing as such as Maddy wouldn’t move to one side at the stop when the light glimmered yellow, and she was apparently approached to do as such by Matthew.

Another video then, at that point, shows Matthew moving his Lamborgini and striking in Maddy’s left vehicle.

Maddygilsoul1 additionally shared that the gets displayed on her recordings were, indeed, from Matthew’s Lambo, and it hit her vehicle from the front and not from the back, as recommended by Matthew in his different web based tending to.

Maddygilsoul1 originally resolved the issue on October 4, 2021, after she got done with posting two adroit recordings of her vehicle post the purposeful smashing by the Lamborgini.

Matthew then, at that point, moved toward the problem expressing the vehicle originally was associated with a back knock, and the web has since been spinning around the validity of the two matters.

Maddygilsoul1 later gave more subtleties looking into the issue by showing the gets and the front harm, clearing the underlying questions that the vehicle was for sure hit from the front and not the posterior, as affirmed.

The Lamborgini show has made the two stars stigmatize each other, with Maddy expressing that she has cautioned the authority of the rash activity and recording the case with her attorney.

She requests Matthew’s activity has been irresponsible, and the lives were in question when he captured at the stop traffic sign and some other time when he assaulted her vehicle by turning around his Lambo.

Matthew requested that he was back finished, and Maddy was simply assembling consideration despite the fact that she originally hit the $300k Lamborgini Aventador.

Maddygilsoul1’s genuine name and age have not been uncovered at this point. She looks as though in her last 20s. She was expected to have first back finished the Lamborgini of Matthew Heller, a pilot and a mariner who shared his report first to the media.