The residents are attempting to stay alive using any and all means at the current situation yet a youthful volleyball player Mahjabin Hakimi couldn’t make it through the war claims several reports.

Hakimi, who was a youthful player of the ladies’ national volleyball team, is accounted for to have been killed by the terrorist bunch.

To be precise, she was beheaded by Taliban. The information of the frightful occurrence discovered its way on the social media surface after the image of her cut off head was found on the web.

With the internal war going over in Afghanistan where residents are anticipating the help of different nations right now, the information on a youngster being beheaded has made individuals more panicked.

Meanwhile, we learn about the late volleyball player Mahjabin Hakimi whose dreams were shattered by the hands of Taliban.

Mahjabin Hakimi was a volleyball player from Afghanistan.

She was a player of the lesser ladies’ national volleyball team.

Hakimi played for the Kabul Municipality Volleyball Club before the Ashraf Ghani government tumbled down.

The club lost their star player in the name of Mahjabin Hakimi on the early October and after the horrendous occurrence the ladies activists and players have been enraged yet their fights have already weaken as the terrorist bunch has fixed their hold in the country.

Apart from the episode, the details and personalities of her parents and friends and family are kept stowed away.

Mahjabin Hakimi’s cut off head lookalike and bloodied neck was leaked on the social media which has left the Afghani residents in parts.

Nonetheless, the episode is not new according to the coach as he revealed that Hakimi was beheaded by the Taliban on the early October.

Further, the terrorist bunch had threatened the family not to talk about the episode to people in general.

Following the episode, he stated that the players of the team and rest of the ladies athletes are in a bad situation and are forced to live underground.

Further, the information on the killing came after Taliban had stated that they would ban the public execution until the higher court’s organization.

Mahjabin Hakimi Age And Height Details.

My heart aches for the women of #Afghanistan

— Emily Schrader – אמילי שריידר (@emilykschrader) October 20, 2021

Mahjabin Hakimi might have been in her 20s.

Notwithstanding, the given age is based on assumption of her appearance as her actual age is not revealed to date.

Talking about her tallness details, she might have measured above 5ft.

Her strict detail is yet to be known to the general population.