There is a possibility that you might not be making enough money out of Doordash, this is simply because you are lacking certain tips and tricks that come in handy while working for side gigs like these. 

You must know that you have a lot of control over the amount of money that you are making and so you need to be aware of the small details that can help you get the most out of this opportunity. This article explains in detail certain tips and tricks for making more money with Doordash. You need to choose the ones that suit your timings and are convenient for you as not all of them can be as profitable.

The first trick

Is to treat it as if you are in control and it’s your business to work on. It is only with this mindset that you will be able to measure what you are earning. You need to assess your goal and values. To find ideas to increase earnings you will first need to understand the market in which you will operate, be selective in not choosing time-consuming deliveries and make sure to deliver at the best time possible. The next trick is linked to the first one, you need to be responsible enough to maximise tax write-offs. Only a person with a business-oriented mindset will be able to maximise their tax write-offs.  

 The second trick is all about the management of time

Doordashing on the busiest hours is the obvious solution to this, however, there are most definitely going to be other door dashers who will be on the lookout to get easy targets. So how will you be able to manage customer demand? Here’s how we have made things easier for you – This is based on research that indicates that if you want to make good money then 6 am – 9 am, 11 am – 1 pm, 5 pm – 9 pm, and after 10 pm are all good times to help you target the best customers. You must be thinking who orders at 6 in the morning? But this is the time when most people order breakfasts and so these are extremely profitable hours. This is especially true during the holiday season, therefore, waking up early and delivering during the breakfast hours can get you good money. The best part is there is not much competition during the early hours.  11-1 are easily lunch hours that are always busy, so you can do this if you are free during this short period.  5-9 are the even busier dinner hours. This is especially true for Saturdays and Sundays. To get the best orders you can even book in advance by locating this option inside the door dash app.  After 10 are hours that will fetch you the most tips.  These time dots can vary from place to place but are true for major cities such as New York or San Francisco. Therefore, you should go ahead and check out yourself which time slots work best for you.  

 About acceptance rate

You do not need to focus on your acceptance rate completely. Yes, it is true though that after reaching above 70% you will be eligible for various perks, one of which is that you will be given more priority in orders that are high in payment. There are some drawbacks of this perk though. Only a person who has worked as a door dasher will be able to tell you in a more detailed manner. But this is how this auction goes, Doordash starts by first offering orders for pennies and eventually raises the base pay. Doordash has to raise the pay eventually when most of the door dashers decline the low pay scale. 

Tip- you should decline extremely low-paying offers, as you will not be facing any kind of penalty or something like that. You also do not need to worry if your acceptance rate drops. 

Doordash can be the best way to earn money provided that you learn how to use it in a way that suits you best. The above article gives a brief description of various things to keep in mind before starting to Doordash. Also, you must keep in mind that Walmart groceries, orders that are far away from hotspots, and fast food drive-throughs are a big NO while door dashing as they are low paying and also extremely time-consuming.