Making Money With Your Car

There are countless ways you can use your car to earn some money. Many apps offer employment or other money-making opportunities for car owners. There are also ways to monetize your car without using any apps. You can use these means as a source of primary or secondary income for yourself.

Ways To Make Money With A Car:

You can make money with your Car through various means, some without even needing to drive. Some options for monetizing your vehicle might use apps, while some might not. Some options are a hybrid of apps and offline methods. Here are a few legitimate options for you to consider.

1. Ridesharing Apps

This is the most common way of making money with your car is through a ridesharing app. You work as a taxicab driver for a ride-sharing company and drive people to their destinations. The people book the rides and make payments using the app, and you get paid a cut from the proceeds. So, you earn more if you transport more people.

One thing you should know is that depending on who you want to work for, you might need to go through thorough screening, including extensive background checks on your criminal and driving records.

Ridesharing apps have been popping up more and more every year, and there are tons of ridesharing apps you can work for. Some of the well-known ones are:


A bonus is that you can work for one or more of these apps simultaneously. Ridesharing apps could be profitable for you, but there might be a few downsides. The major downsides of working for a ridesharing app are the stress and expenses that come with the work.

2. Car Delivery Services

You can also make money with your car by working as a delivery driver. You can deliver food or other goods to people who place orders. Many apps offer food and package deliveries you can work for.

The above are only a few of the countless options. Different apps have different requirements to be met before you can be hired. Like with ridesharing apps, you can also work for more than one delivery app simultaneously.

3. Car Advertisement

Another way you can use your car to earn money that a lot of people don’t consider is using your car to advertise for local brands. It is a good way of monetizing your vehicle, although it might not pay as much as other options. Driving all the time is not needed for this sort of work. However, some brands might require that you drive your car around for a stipulated number of miles. The most common apps for this option are Wrapify and Carvertise.

4. Car Rental Services

This option can also be called care sharing. You can also rent out your vehicle for money whenever you don’t use it for a while. If you have an RV, you could give it to people who might want to use it to travel, and you get paid. You could also set up a car rental business where people come and rent your car for a while. The major problem you might have with renting out your car is that the continuous use of the vehicle will wear it down. There are many car-sharing apps you can use for renting out your vehicles. Some of them include:

GetaroundCar2goHyrecarTuroGIG Car Share

These car-sharing apps usually have insurance, age, and usage requirements for cars before you can register.

5. Self-Employment

You can set up your own business or company for any kind of services you can offer with your car. Some good businesses you can start as a car owner include moving, courier, and towing services. You might need to run local ads for your business to attract potential clients.

6. Car Sale

Lastly, you can decide to sell your car if you need some money and don’t use it anymore. This can be a good way of raising a lot of money quickly and can provide you with capital to pursue other interests.


There are numerous ways you can earn money with your car. However, these options come with risks. There are some crucial factors you must look into before choosing which side hustle to follow. These include taxes, income, the age of your car, and the implications the workload will have on your vehicle.

Do I need to have any experience or skills to earn money with my car?

Previous work experience is not important. However, if you want to work with a ride-sharing app, for example, you must know how to drive, as well as have a clean criminal record and driving history.

Is there an age requirement for food delivery apps?

Yes, most delivery apps only hire people that are 18 and above.