According to MCV, sources close to Nintendo have told them that the company plans to not only have a new Legend of Zelda released as a launch title, but to have new Mario and Pokémon games released within the first six months of the console’s release. Nothing is known about the Mario title but Game Freak is apparently working on the Pokémon game.

The same sources also told MCV that the NX has managed to gain support from other third-party companies; SEGA, Square Enix, Ubisoft, Activision, and Warner Bros. Not only that, but the rumours of the NX being a portable device that can connect to a TV are accurate and the visuals are said to be somewhere between the PS3 and PS4.

One unnamed exec that has had first hand impressions with the system said:

The NX is currently slated to release in March 2017, with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild as a launch title, but will it be the only launch title?